1. In-view of the knowledge you have been impacted with on the job, which we believe you can now use to fully benefit (the company) in terms of making profit, salaries will be target based. Which indicates that your monthly salary of N100,000 will be paid fully if you meet a target of N500,000 monthly in terms of getting businesses for (the company)So, she said she will now be paid N25k because she can't meet that N500k monthly target. But are companies who demand this, unreasonable or they are within their rights to, because you have to make profit to pay salary, right? What do you guys think?
2. In case you are not able to achieve the set target, a basic salary of N25,000 will be paid and 10% commission on every amount you make for (the company). This takes effect from Tuesday 2nd June, 2015.
Saturday, 13 June 2015
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» Dealing with meeting targets in your place of work
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